Introduction to Trademarking

The best way to protect your trademark, whether it is a word, logo, acronym or slogan, is by registering it.  UK trademark registration also protects the reputation and investment attached to your trademark.

When filing a UK trademark application at the UK Intellectual Property Office, you must make a number of important decisions, including: –

  • What version of the trademark should you apply for?
  • Should you file for a word Mark, a Logo or a combination of the two?
  • Should strap lines or slogans be included?
  • Should a Logo be filed in colour?
  • Which classes of goods and/or services should be covered? Should goods and/or services of future interest be covered?
  • How should the description of goods/services or specification be worded? Should the terminology used be broad or specific?

Your answers to these questions will ultimately dictate the scope of protection arising from your trademark registration and will be critical when seeking to defend your position against others.

Filing a UK trademark application involves far more than just filling in a form. It is important to think around the issues carefully and this is where the experience and guidance of a qualified trademark attorney can add significant value and save you money in the long run.

When selecting the services of a trademark attorney, do not be blinkered by the cheapest price. Check what services are provided and exactly what is included in the fee. For example, ask what happens if examination objections or opposition are raised and what the hourly charge is for responding to these.

Albright Patents are a UK Trademarks Company who can represent you before the British and European Property Offices, and file your Patent, Trademark and Design Applications in a cost-effective way.

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